Add Video Screen to Blender

by | Jun 5, 2024

Another great tutorial from Ducky 3D a tutorial within a tutorial. Adding video screen to Blender.
large video screen added to Blender 3D

This tutorial was quick and easy

Another great and well delivered tutorial from Duck3D. How to add a video screen into blender. He couldn’t have made it any simpler. I love it when tutorials are well done like Duckys. And everything works as intended.

It’s either me or the tutorial artist that skipped a step. Usually that would be me, but in some cases it’s the tutorial artist. I imagine that it could be tricky to record and teach something you know so well and easily do something without even thinking about it, but for a beginner watching and rewatching it can be frustrationg. In a perfect world.

Apply these shader settings to your video plane. Some settings will need adjusted depending on your scene.

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